Christian Holse
Email: chhol@fysik.dtu.dk
Christian received his Master degree in Physics and Nanotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2011.
His Master thesis involved studies of CO dissociation on Ru(0154) single crystals. In September 2011 he started as a Ph.D. student at DTU.
Christian joined our group in January of 2012 for a 6-month collaborative project with Prof. Jane Nielsen at DTU.
He is now back at DTU working towards his PhD degree in Physics.
Dr. Luis Katsuya Ono
Email: ono@physics.ucf.edu
Webpage: http://socrates.if.usp.br/~lkono/
Luis obtained his B.S. in Physics/Microelectronics in 2000 at the University
of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He later joined the Department of Nuclear Engineering
at Kyoto University where he obtained his M.S. in 2003 for his investigations
on secondary ion emission from Si target bombarded by large cluster ions.
He joined our group in January of 2005 and obtained his PhD in November of 2009.
In 2012 Luis moved to the Physics Department at Aarhus University
(Denmark) to continue his postdoctoral studies.
Elaine Zhou
Email: elaine.x3@gmail.com
Elaine studied at Lake Highland High School. She joined our group in
2008 and left in 2011 when she joined Stanford University for her
undergraduate studies in Engineering.
Dr. Kristof Paredis
Kristof obtained his M.S. in Physics in 2004 at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) where he later joined the Nuclear Solid State
Research Group at the Institute for Nuclear and Radiation Physics. He obtained his PhD in 2008 for his research on the self-assembly
of Fe/Si nanostructures on passivated Si surfaces. After graduation he worked as post-doctoral
scholar at the Institute for Nanoscale Physics and Chemistry (KU Leuven). He joined our group in January 2010 and moved back to Belgium in 2011
to work as a research scientist at the Flemish Institute of Technology.
Dr. Jason Croy
Email: jcroy@physics.ucf.edu
Jason obtained his B.S. in Applied/General Physics (summa cum laude) in 2005 at Ball State University
in Muncie, IN. He joined the Roldan group in August 2005 and graduated
with a PhD in May of 2010. He is now a postdoctoral scholar at the
Advanced Photon Source at the Argonne National Laboratory.
Simon Mostafa
Simon conducted research in our group from 2005 to 2010, first as an
undergraduate student and later on as a Master student. He obtained his
MS degree in Environmental Engineering in 2010.
In 2006, Simon was awarded with a prestigious RISE-DAAD fellowship to conduct research during the Summer in the Physics Department at the University of
Duisburg-Essen (Germany). He is now a PhD student in Environmental
Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
YoungWoo Joh
Email: itsthewoo@gmail.com
YoungWoo joined our group as an undergraduate student in May of 2009 and
graduated in 2011 with a Honors in the Major Thesis.
Dr. Ahmed R. Naitabdi
Email: Naitabdi@physics.ucf.edu
Dr. Ahmed Naitabdi obtained his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics
at the University of Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (France) in December 2004. His thesis
was devoted to the investigation of the self-assembly and magnetic properties of high spin single molecule magnets
and organo-bimetallic clusters on surfaces. He joined our group as postdoctoral scholar (2005-2008)
to study the electronic and chemical properties of size-selected metallic nanoparticles.
Damien Denis
Email: d.denis90@hotmail.com
Damien was a junior at Edgewater High School when joined the group. He is currently at the University of Florida.
Rachel Baker
Rachel studies at Lake Highland High School.
Leigh Hickman
Leigh is currently an undergraduate student in the Chemical Engineering Department of Notre Dame university. Thanks to an NSF-REU fellowship,
she spent the Summer of 2007 working in our lab.
Hanoy Estrada
Email: hanoy06@gmail.com
Hanoy is currently enrolled in the College of Engineering seeking a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Danyar Khalitov
Daniyar was born in Kazakhstan, where he attended TAMOS Physics and Mathematics school in Almaty (TESPM).
He participated in different physics and math competitions Eurasia-wide and was the winner of many of them
in the area of Physics. He has also been involved in a program of the Association of Young Leaders under
the patronage of UNICEF. Danyar joined the University of Central Florida in 2006, where he majors in Physics.
Sabine Sudduth
Sabine joined the Physics department at UCF in 2006. She transferred from the University of Texas at Arlington where she
carried out research under the supervision of Prof. Truman Black. Her experimental experience is in the field of optics, in particular,
on waveguide characterization.
Max Rotatori
Max is a student at Lake Highland High School.
Abhilash Vincent
Email: vincent@physics.ucf.edu
Abhilash obtained his B.S. in Physics from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in 1998.
He later joined Cochin University of Science and Technology where he obtained a B.S. in
Instrumentation/Engineering in 2002. He earned his M.S. in Instrumentation Engineering
from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2004 where he worked on NiTi shape
memory alloy thin films.
Morgan Baker
Email: morganbaker2004@yahoo.com
Morgan is a Junior in the College of Engineering. He majors in Aerospace Engineering and is enrolled in the Burnett Honors College.
Enrique G. Ortiz
Email: gabriel1425@hotmail.com
Enrique was a Computer Engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science when he joined the group.
He is now a PhD student in the Computer Science department at UCF.
Grady Slane
Email: gcslane@earthlink.net
Grady was a Junior at Lake Highland Preparatory School when he joined the group and is now at Duke University.