Study Information for Final Exam

Spring 2003


1. Some comments
2. What will be on the test
3. Equation sheet
4. Test format
5. Examples of questions

1. Some comments

On problems, it is important to show how you reasoned from the information given in the problem to your final answer.  The correct final answer with units is only worth 2-3 points.  The remainder of the points are given for the quality of your solution.  You need to include the following to receive full credit:
Extra credit will be given for checks made to see if the answer is reasonable
Be prepared to make reasonable estimations and state your assumptions when solving problems. Be aware of significant digits in your answers. (Keep lots of digits until the final calculation, then round to the appropriate precision.)
Here are some really good tips on test taking from Dr. Richard Felder's website at North Carolina State University.
If you have ANY questions while taking the test, please be sure to ask the instructor. The purpose of the test is not to give you trick problems to catch you in an error. The purpose is to give you an opportunity to "show what you know" !  The test problems are based completely on the reading, the lectures, and the homework.  If you understand the main ideas and how to apply them, you'll do well.
2. What will be on the test => Items in blue
(Items in black will not be covered on this test)

Be sure to carefully review your notes, especially when we've done things that are not covered very well in the book. Looking over the individual class days linked to the calendar on the class website will also help refresh your memory. (Things to know from PHY 2048) For this test, you should be able to do the following things:

Chapter 22: Electric Charge

Chapter 23: Electric Field

Chapter 24: Gauss' Law

Chapter 25: Electric Potential

Chapter 26 Capacitance

Chapter 27 Current and Resistance

Chapter 28 Circuits

Chapter 29-30 Magnetic Fields and Forces


Chapter 31 Inductions and Inductance

Chapter 32 Maxwell's Equations

Chapter 33 Electromagnetic Oscillations

Chapter 34 Electromagnetic Waves

3. Equation sheet

You will need to know the following equations and under what conditions they can be applied:

You should also know formulas for:

You are expected to know the following conversions (rules of thumb):

You should also know the following numbers to aid in visualization and estimation:

You are expected to derive specific equations you need from these equations listed above. You will also be given any constants and conversions you need. Unless told otherwise, you may use - 10 m/s/s for the acceleration due to gravity.

4. Test Format:

Full period on Saturday, April 26, 2003. A bonus of 5% will be awarded to any group (with active contract) whose average overall score is 75% is higher.
  Part I  
Group Problem using GOAL Protocol
50 points
Part II  
  Multiple Choice or short answer question, typically 4-5 parts 
           (no explanation required, but no partial credit either)
   40 points
  Short Essay (typically at least 1/2 page)    10 points
  4 Problems based on Homework and Lecture – 25 points each    100 points 
 200 points


5. Practice Tests

This link is to a test I gave when I taught this course as a SCALE-UP class at North Carolina State University. It intended only to show you the type of questions I ask on tests and to practice using what you have learned to prepare for Test 1. No solution is available yet, but you may discuss your solutions with me or ask questions about the problems in office hours, the review, or appointments made outside of class. However, I plan to post student solutions Wednesday night. If you wish to send me your solutions, I will award 5 points if your solution is chosen to be posted. Be aware that any topic discussed above in Section 2 or anything we have discussed in class, in the readings (other than recommended readings), or as homework is fair game for the test. Topics used in problems on the actual test may differ from topics covered in the practice test.

You will need adobe acrobat reader (v. 5 or better) to access the practice test.

6. Some Practice Questions

Multiple-Choice Practice Problem

To be added later

- This is a link to other multiple-choice problems that will help test your understanding of key ideas. The topics covered for this test can be found in Tests 1, 2, & 3. Note that some of these multiple-choice questions will exend beyond what we have learned so far in class and cover topics not included in this final exam.

Essay questions


GOAL & Estimation Problems

To Be added later

Homework and Lecture Problems

To be added later