Things to know from Physics 2048 - Physics I

This page is a list of what you need to know from Physics 2048 to do well in Physics 2049. Chapters are references to Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2003). Some content such as motion diagrams and pictorial models can be found in Knight, Physics: A Contemporary Perspective (Addison Wesley).

Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Motion Along a Straight Line

Chapter 3 Vectors

Chapter 4 Motion is 2 and 3 Dimensions

  • To identify the acceleration vector for curvilinear motion
  • To compute two-dimensional trajectories
  • To understand projectile motion
  • To understand circular motion

  • Chapters 5 &6 Force and Motion


    Chapter 7 & 8 Concepts of Energy

  • To begin developing a concept of energy - what it is, how it's tranformed, and how it is transferred
  • To learn about work, kinetic energy, and their relationship through the work-kinetic energy theorem
  • To learn the vector dot product
  • To learn Hooke's law for springs and the new idea of a restoring force
  • To learn and develop the concept of potential energy
  • To learn and to use the gravitational potential energy and the elastic potential energy
  • To introduce and use the law of conservation of energy
  • To understand the tramsformation of kinetic energy to and from potential energy
  • To use and interpret energy bar graphs and energy diagrams

    Chapter 9 & 10 Momentum, Collisions, and Systems of Particles