2008 FSMS meeting
The 2008 FSMS meeting was held at Florida State University. The workshop activities were developed by Anter El-Azab.
Faculty Talks
- Ivan I. Oleynik (Physics, USF) "Atomistic simulations of materials at extreme conditions"
- Aravind Asthagiri, (Chemical Engineering, UF) "Oxidation and reduction of transition metal surfaces"
- Artem E. Masunov (Nanoscience Center and Chemistry, UCF) "Development and applications of density functional theory methods for organic photonic materials"
- Patrick Schelling (AMPAC and Physics) "Theory and simulation of phonon transport in bulk and interfacial systems"
- Simon Phillpot (Materials Science, UF) "Point defects and domain walls in LiNbO3"
- Talat Rahman (Physics, UCF) "Electronic and geometric structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of 34-atom Ag-Cu nanoalloy"
- Sergey Stolbov (Physics, UCF) "Searching for the mechanism of unusually high catalytic activity of gold nanostructures"
- Ke-Gang Wang (Physics, FIT) "Microstructural evolution and property predictions"
- Susan Sinnott (Materials Science, UF) "Friction at the molecular scale: predictions from molecular dynamics Simulations"
- Billy Oates (Mechanical Engineering, FSU) "Unusual polarization backswitching in ferroelectric thin films"
- Xiaoqiang Wang (Scientific Computing, FSU) "Phase field method and its applications to biological microstructures"
- Ongi Englander (FSU) "Toward Nanoscale Systems and Devices: Assembly, Integration and Characterization"
- Yanzhi Zhang (FSU) "Quadrature-rule type approximations to the quasicontinuum method"
- Gopinath Subramanian (FSU) "Configurations of ring polymers"
- Jie Deng (FSU) " Statistics of internal stresses in dislocated crystals"