Joshua Colwell
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Boulevard
Orlando FL 32816-2385
jcolwell (at)


Ph.D. December 1989. University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences.  The Origin and Evolution of the Uranian Dust Rings. 

B.S.  May 1985.  Stetson University, Major in Physics, Minor in Applied Mathematics.  (Honors Program, summa cum laude).


Associate Professor: Department of Physics, University of Central Florida. (2009 - present).
Assistant Professor: Department of Physics, University of Central Florida. (December 2006 to 2009).

Courses taught:

AST 2002, AST 2002H: "Introduction to Astronomy"

AST 6112: Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems

PHY 6918: Directed Research: Planetary Ring Dynamics

PHY 6908: Independent Study: Physics of Saturn's Rings

Visiting Assistant Professor: University of Colorado at Boulder. (December 2006 to present).

Research Associate:  Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder.  (July 1993 – December 2006.) 

Fulbright Senior Research Scholar: Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse, France.  (September 1995 - May 1996).

Instructor:  Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder. (August 1990 – December 2006.)

Courses taught:

APAS 1120: "General Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies"

ASTR 1110: "General Astronomy: The Solar System"

APAS/ASTR 3750: "Planets, Moons, and Rings"

APAS 3210: "Intermediate Astronomy: The Solar System"

PHYS: Independent study in the Physics Department.

Graduate student thesis and exam committees. 

Post-Doctoral Research Associate: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder. (November 1989 - June 1993.)

Instructor: Boulder Valley School District Lifelong Learning Program: "An Introduction to the Universe." (June 1992 to June 1993.)


o Member DPS Committee, 2008-2011.

o Visiting Researcher, National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (formerly Challenger Center for Space Science Education; 2003-present): weeklong visits to classrooms at schools in underserved school districts in 2004 (twice), 2006. Presentations to more than 4000 K-12 students and members of the public.

o Presentations to local K-12 schools.

o Comet Consultant, "Deep Impact," Paramount/DreamWorks Pictures. Zanuck/Brown Production, 1998.

o Scientific Consultant, "Gates Planetarium: A Cosmic Journey," Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2003.

o Developed and presented 12 times the show "Saturn: The Jewel of the Solar System" at the Fiske Planetarium, University of Colorado.

o Contributing Reviewer, Earth and Sky Radio Series.

o Reviewer for NASA PGG, Origins, Planetary Atmospheres, Planetary Instrument Definition and Development, and Lunar Advanced Scienced for Exploration Research programs, special NASA lunar science directed research review panel, program, and NSF astronomy program, NASA post-doc programs, and the Research Corporation.

o Reviewer for Science, Icarus, J. Geophys. Res., Geophys. Res. Lett., Plan. Space Sci., Adv. Physics, Astrophys. J. Lett., Astrophys. J., Astron. J., New Astron., Addison-Wesley Longman textbooks, Cambridge University Press.

o LASP Computer Systems Advisory Committee (2001-2006, Chair 2004-2006).

o American Geophysical Union (1987 - present).

o Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society (1988 - present).

o Screen Actors Guild (2004 – present).

o Advisory Council of the NASA Planetary Data System Rings Node (1990 - present).

o Local Organizing Committee, 25th DPS meeting, Boulder CO 1993.

o Local Organizing Committee and Scientific Program Committee, 39th DPS meeting, Orlando FL 2007.

o UCF Physics Department Newsletter and website committees, undergraduate curriculum committee, and by-laws committee.





          1.   Bradley, E. T., J. E. Colwell, L. W. Esposito, J. N. Cuzzi,  H. Tollerud, L. Bruesch-Chambers 2009. Far Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectrum of Saturn’s Rings from Cassini UVIS. Icarus (submitted).

2.    Albers, N., Sremčević, M., Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W. 2009. Saturn's F Ring as seen by Cassini UVIS: Kinematics and Statistics. Icarus (submitted).

3.    Robbins, S. J., G. R. Stewart, M. C. Lewis, J. E. Colwell 2009. Estimating the Masses of Saturn's A and B Rings from High-Optical Depth N-Body Simulations and Stellar Occultations. Icarus (submitted).

4.    Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, G. R. Stewart, and M. Sremčević 2009. Density Waves in Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations 1. The Cassini Division. Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.12.031.

5.    Hansen, C. J., Esposito, Stewart, A. I. F., L. W., Meinke, B., Wallis, B., Colwell, J. E., Hendrix, A. R., Larsen, K., Pryor, W., Tian, F. 2008. Water Vapor Jets in Enceladus' Plume. Nature 456, 477-479, doi:10.1038/nature07542.

6.    Colwell, J. E., S. R. Robertson, M. Horanyi, X. Wang, A. Poppe, and P. Wheeler 2009. Lunar Dust Levitation. J. Aerospace Eng., 22, 2-9, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0893-1321(2009)22:1(2).

7.    Pryor, W., P. Gangopadhyay, B. Sandel, T. Forrester, E. Quemerais, E. Moebius, L. Esposito, I. Stewart, B. McClintock, A. Jouchoux, J. Colwell, V. Izmodenov, Y. Malama, K. Tobiska, D. Shemansky, J. Ajello, C. Hansen, M. Bzowski, and P. Frisch 2008. Radiation transport of heliospheric Lyman-alpha from combined Cassini and Voyager data sets. Astron. Astrophys. 491, 21-29.

8.    Marty, B., T. Guillot, A. Coustenis, N. Achilleos, Y. Alibert, S. Asmar, D. Atkinson, S. Atreya, G. Babasides, K. Baines, T. Balint, D. Banfield, S. Barber, B. Bezard, G. L. Bjoraker, M. Blanc, S. Bolton, N. Chanover, S. Charnoz, E. Chassefière, J. E. Colwell, E. Deangelis, M. Dougherty, P. Drossart, F. M. Flasar, T. Fouchet, R. Frampton, I. Franchi, D. Gautier, L. Gurvits, R. Hueso, B. Kazeminejad, T. Krimigis, A. Jambon, G. Jones, Y. Langevin, M. Leese, E. Lellouch, J. Lunine, A. Milillo, P. Mahaffy, B. Mauk, A. Morse, M. Moreira, X. Moussas, C. Murray, I. Mueller-Wodarg, T. C. Owen, S. Pogrebenko, R. Prangé, P. Read, A. Sanchez-Lavega, P. Sarda, D. Stam, G. Tinetti, P. Zarka, J. Zarnecki 2008. Kronos: Exploring the Depths of Saturn with Probes and Remote Sensing Through an International Mission. Experimental Astronomy, doi:10.1007/s10686-008-9094-9.

9.    Colwell, J. E., S. Sture, D. Ashcom, M. Cintala, D. Curtis, D. Durda, T. Goudie, A. Hendrix, M. Kanter, T. Keohane, A. Lemos, M. Lupton, M. Route 2008. Ejecta from Impacts into Regolith at 0.2-2.3 m/s in Low Gravity. Icarus 195, 908-917, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.019.

10.    Chambers, L. S., J. N. Cuzzi, E. Asphaug, J. E. Colwell, and S. Sugita 2008. Hydrodynamical and Radiative Transfer Modeling of Meteoroid Impacts into Saturn’s Rings. Icarus 194, 623-635, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.11.017.

11.    Esposito, L. W., B. M. Meinke, J. E. Colwell, P. D. Nicholson, and M. H. Hedman 2008. Moonlets and Clumps in Saturn’s F Ring. Icarus 194, 278-289, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.10.001.

12.    Hughes, A. H., J. E. Colwell, A. W. DeWolfe 2008. Electrostatic Dust Transport on Eros: 3-D Simulations of Pond Formation. Icarus 195, 630-648, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.02.008.

13.    Ajello, J. M., M. H. Stevens, I. Stewart, K. Larsen, L. Esposito, J. Colwell. W. McClintock, G. Holsclaw, J. Gustin, and W. Pryor 2007. Titan Airglow Spectra from Cassini UVIS: EUV Analysis. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L24204, doi:10.1029/2007/GL031555.

14.    Colwell, J. E., S. Batiste, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson, and S. Sture 2007. The Lunar Surface: Dust Dynamics and Regolith Mechanics. Rev. Geophys. 45, RG2006, doi:10.1029/2005RG000184.

15.    Wang, X., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson 2007. Charge of dust on surfaces in plasma. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 35, 271-279.

16.    Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, M. Sremčević, G. R. Stewart, and W. E. McClintock 2007. Self-Gravity Wakes and Radial Structure of Saturn’s B Ring. Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.03.018.

17.    Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, and M. Sremčević 2006. Self-Gravity Wakes in Saturn’s A Ring Measured by Stellar Occultations from Cassini.  Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L07201, doi:10.1029/2005GL025163.

18.    Hansen, C. J., A. R. Hendrix, R. A. West, L. W. Esposito, A. I. F. Stewart, J. E. Colwell, D. E. Shemansky, W. Pryor 2006. Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Investigation of Enceladus’ Water Vapor Plume. Science 311, 1422-1425.

19.    Pryor, W. R., A. I. F. Stewart, L. W. Esposito, W. E. McClintock, J. E. Colwell, A. J. Jouchoux, A. J. Steffl, D.E. Shemansky, J.M. Ajello, R.A. West, C. J. Hansen, B.T. Tsurutani, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, K. C. Hansen, J. H. Waite Jr., F. J. Crary, D. T. Young, N. Krupp, J. T. Clarke, D. Grodent, M. K. Dougherty 2005. Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Variability, Icarus 178, 312-326, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.05.021.

20.    Mitchell, C. J. , J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi 2005. Tenuous Ring Formation by the Capture of Interplanetary Dust at Saturn. J. Geophys. Res. 110, No. A9, A09218, doi: 10.1029/2004JA010577.

21.    Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell, K. Larsen, W. E. McClintock, A. I. F. Stewart, J. T. Hallett, D. E. Shemansky, J. M. Ajello, C. J. Hansen, A. R. Hendrix, R. A. West, H. U. Keller, A. Korth, W. R. Pryor, R. Reulke, Y. L. Yung 2005. Ultraviolet Imaging Spectroscopy Shows an Active Saturnian System. Science 307, 1251-1255, doi:10.1126/science.1105606.

22.    Colwell, J. E., A. A. S. Gulbis, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson 2005. Dust Transport in Photoelectron Layers and the Formation of Dust Ponds on Eros. Icarus 175, 159-169, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.11.001.

23.    Esposito, L. W., C. A. Barth, J. E. Colwell, G. M. Lawrence, W. E. McClintock, A. I. F. Stewart, H. U. Keller, , A. Korth, H. Lauche, M. Festou, A. L. Lane, C. J. Hansen, J. N. Maki, R. A. West, H. Jahn, R. Reulke, K. Warlich, D. E. Shemansky, and Y. L. Yung 2004.  The Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Investigation. Space Sci. Rev. 115, 299-361.

24.    Mitchell, C., M. Horányi, J. E. Colwell 2004. Dust Capture by the Saturnian Magnetosphere. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32, 598-600.

25.    Robertson, S., A. A. Sickafoose, J. Colwell, and M. Horányi 2003. Dust Grain Charging and Levitation in a Weakly Collisional DC Sheath. Physics of Plasmas, 10, 3874-3880.

26.    Colwell, J. E. 2003. Low Velocity Impacts into Dust: Results from the COLLIDE-2 Microgravity Experiment. Icarus, 164, doi: 10.1016/S0019-1035(03)00083-6.

27.    Cuzzi, J. N., J. E. Colwell, L. W. Esposito, C. C. Porco, C. D. Murray, P. D. Nicholson, L. Spilker, E. A. Marouf, R. C. French, N. Rappaport, and D. Muhleman 2002. Saturn’s Rings: Pre-Cassini Status and Mission Goals. Space Sci. Rev. 118, 209-251.

28.    Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson 2002.  Experimental Levitation of Dust Grains in a Plasma Sheath. J. Geophys. Res., 107(A11), 1408, doi:10.1029/2002JA009347.

29.    Sternovsky, Z., A.A. Sickafoose, J. E. Colwell, S. Robertson, and M. Horanyi 2002. Contact Charging of Lunar and Martian Dust Simulants. J. Geophys. Res., 107(E11), 5105, doi:10.1029/2002JE001897.

30.    Colwell, J. E., and B. M. Jakosky 2002.  Effects of Topography on Thermal Infrared Spectra of Planetary Surfaces. J. Geophys. Res., 107(E11), 5106, doi:10.1029/2001JE00182.

31.    Wurm, G., J. Blum, and J. E. Colwell 2001.  The Aerodynamical Sticking of Dust Aggregates.  Phys. Rev. E, 64, #046301.

32.    Wurm, G., J. Blum, and J. E. Colwell 2001. A New Mechanism for the Formation of Planetesimals in the Solar Nebula.  Icarus, 151, 318-321.

33.    Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horányi, and S. Robertson 2001. Experimental Investigations on Photoelectric and Triboelectric Charging of Dust.  J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8343-8356.

34.    Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson 2000.  Photoelectric Charging of Dust Particles in Vacuum.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 6034-6037.

35.    Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, and D. Bundy 2000.  Fragmentation Rates of Small Satellites in the Outer Solar System. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 17,589-17,599.

36.    Colwell, J. E., and M. Taylor 1999.  Low Velocity Microgravity Impact Experiments into Simulated Regolith. Icarus  138, 241-248.

37.    Spahn, F., K.-U. Thiessenhusen, J. E. Colwell, R. Srama, E. Grün 1999. Dynamics of Dust Ejected from Enceladus: Application to the Cassini Dust Detector. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 24111-24120.

38.    Emery, J. P., A. L. Sprague, F. C. Witteborn, J. E. Colwell, R. W. H. Kozlowski, and D. H. Wooden 1998.  Mercury: Thermal Modeling and Mid-Infrared (5-12 μm) Observations. Icarus  136, 104-123.

39.    Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell, and W. E. McClintock 1998.  Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn's Rings. Planet. Space Sci.  46, 1221-1235.

40.    Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, and E. Grün 1998.  Jupiter's Exogenic Dust Ring. J. Geophys. Res.  103, 20023-20030.

41.    Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, and E. Grün 1998.  Capture of Interplanetary and Interstellar Dust by the Jovian Magnetosphere. Science  280, 88-91.

42.    Stern, S. A., and J. E. Colwell  1997.  The Collisional Erosion of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt and the Generation of the 30-50 AU Kuiper Gap.  Astrophys. J.  490, 879-882.

43.    Stern, S. A., and J. E. Colwell 1997.  Accretion in the Edgeworth-KuiperBelt: Forming 100--1000 km Radius Bodies at 30 AU and Beyond. Astron. J.  114, 841-849.

44.    Colwell, J. E. 1997.  Comet Light Curves: Effects of Active Regions and Topography. Icarus  125, 406-415.

45.    Colwell, J. E. and M. Horanyi  1996.  Magnetospheric Effects on Micrometeoroid Fluxes. J. Geophys. Res.  101, 2169-2175.

46.    Colwell, J. E.  1996.  Size Distributions of Circumplanetary Dust.  Adv. Space Res.  17 (no. 12), 161-170.

47.    Colwell, J. E.  1994.  Catastrophic Disruption of Planetary Satellites and the Origin of Planetary Rings. Planet. Space Sci.  42, 1139-1149.

48.    Colwell, J. E.  1993.  A General Formulation for Micrometeoroid Ejecta from Planetary Satellites. Icarus  106, 536-548.

49.    Canup, R. M., J. E. Colwell, and M. Horányi 1993.  Size Distribution of Satellite Dust Ejecta: Effects of Radiation Pressure and Planetary Oblateness.  Icarus  105, 363-369.

50.    Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  1993.  Origins of the Rings of Uranus and Neptune 2. Initial Conditions and Ring Moon Populations.  J. Geophys. Res.  98, 7387-7401.

51.    Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  1992.  Origins of the Rings of Uranus and Neptune 1. Statistics of Satellite Disruptions. J. Geophys. Res.  97, 10,227-10,241.

52.    Horn, L. J., J. Hui, A. L. Lane, and J. E. Colwell.  1990.  Observations of Neptunian Rings by the Voyager Photopolarimeter Experiment. Geophys. Res. Lett.  17, 1745-1748.

53.    Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  1990.  A Model of Dust Production in the Neptune Ring System. Geophys. Res. Lett.  17, 1741-1744.

54.    Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  1990.  A Numerical Model of the Uranian Dust Rings. Icarus  86, 530-560.

55.    Colwell, J. E., B. M. Jakosky, B. J. Sandor, and S. A. Stern.  1990. Evolution of Topography on Comets II: Icy Craters and Trenches. Icarus  85, 205-215.

56.    Colwell, J. E., L. J. Horn, A. L. Lane, L. W. Esposito, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, S. H. Pilorz, K. E. Simmons, M. D. Morrison, C. W. Hord, R. M. Nelson, B. D. Wallis, R. A. West, and B. J. Buratti.  1990. Voyager Photopolarimeter Observations of Uranian Ring Occultations.  Icarus  83, pp. 102-125.

57.    Lane, A. L., R. A. West, C. W. Hord, R. M. Nelson, K. E. Simmons, W. R. Pryor, L. W. Esposito, L. J. Horn, B. D. Wallis, B. J. Buratti, T. G. Brophy, P. A. Yanamandra-Fisher, J. E. Colwell, D. A. Bliss, M. J. Mayo, and W. D. Smythe.  1989.  Photometry from Voyager 2: Initial Results from the Neptunian Atmosphere, Satellites, and Rings. Science  246, pp. 1450-1454.

58.    Esposito, L. W. and J. E. Colwell.  1989.  Creation of the Uranus Rings and Dust Bands. Nature  339, pp. 605-607.

59.    Colwell, J. E. and B. M. Jakosky.  1987.  The Evolution of Topography on a Comet. Icarus  72, pp. 128-134.




    60.    Colwell, J. E., R. G. French, E. Marouf, C. D. Murray, P. D. Nicholson, and M. S. Tiscareno 2009. Ring Structure. In Saturn after Cassini-Huygens. Springer. Invited. (In press).

61.    Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, X. Wang, A. Haugsjaa, and P. Wheeler 2007. Behavior of Charged Dust in Plasma and Photoelectron Sheaths. ESA Special Publication 643 (H. Krüger and A. Graps, Eds), 171-176.

62.    Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, and A. A. Sickafoose 2002. Levitation and Transport of Charged Dust over Surfaces in Space. In Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium (R. Bharuthram, M. A. Helberg, P. K. Shukla, F. Verheest Eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 649), 438-441.

63.    Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horányi, and S. Robertson 2002. Experimental Dust Levitation in a Plasma Sheath near a Surface. In Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium (R. Bharuthram, M. A. Helberg, P. K. Shukla, F. Verheest Eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 649), 235-238.

64.    Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, and E. Grün 1998. Captured Dust in Planetary Magnetospheres.  In Physics of Dusty Plasmas, 7th Workshop, (M. Horányi, S. Robertson, B. Walch Eds., AIP Conf. Proceedings 446), pp. 299-305.




1.     Colwell, J., Esposito, L., Sremcevic, M., Jerousek, R., Cooney, J., Lissauer, J. Mass Density and Ring Thickness from Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations. . American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2008. Abstract #P32A-01, December 2008, San Francisco.


2.     Pryor, W. R., Stewart, I., Esposito, L., Jouchoux, A., McClintock, W., Holsclaw, G., Eriksson, S., Ajello, J., West, R., Hansen, C., Shemansky, D., Clarke, J., Nichols, J., gustin, J., Grodent, D., Gerard, J., Colwell, J. Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2008. Abstract #SM34A-05, December 2008, San Francisco.


3.     Colwell, J. E., Jerousek, R. G., Esposito, L. W. The Structure of Sharp Edges in Saturn’s Rings. 40th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. October 2008, Cornell University.


4.     Spitale, J. N., Porco, C. C., Colwell, J. 2008. An Inclined Saturnian Ringlet at 1.954 RS. 40th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. October 2008, Cornell University.


5.     Robbins, S. J., Stewart, G. R., Colwell, J. E., Lewis, M. C. Self-Gravity Wakes in Saturnian Rings: Effects of Varying Location, Particle Density, and Introducing a Particle Size Distribution. 40th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. October 2008, Cornell University.


6.     Sremcevic, M., Stewart, G. R., Albers, N., Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W. Density Waves in Saturn’s Rings: Non-linear Dispersion and Moon Libration Effects. 40th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. October 2008, Cornell University.


7.     Stansberry, J. A., Hansen, C., Hammel, H., Spilker, L., Spilker, T., Aljabri, A., Banfield, D., Brown, M., Colwell, J., Dougherty, M., Hendrix, A., Churana, K., McEwen, A., McNutt., R., Paige, D., Satter, C., Showalter, M., Strange, N. Argo – A Voyage Through the Outer Solar System: An Innovative New Frontiers Concept. 40th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. October 2008, Cornell University.


8.     Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W., Lissauer, J. J., Jerousek, R. G., Sremcevic, M. 2008. Three-dimensional structure of Saturn’s rings from Cassini UVIS stellar occultations. European Planetary Science Congress 2008. Münster Germany. Invited.


9.     Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W., Sremcevic, M., Jerousek, R. G., Cooney, J., Lissauer, J. J. 2008. Mass density and ring thickness from Cassini UVIS stellar occultations. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco CA. Invited.

10.  Colwell, J. E., French, R. G., Marouf, E. A., Murray, C. D., Nicholson, P. D., Tiscareno, M. S. Structure of Saturn’s Rings. Colloquium for the Book Saturn After Cassini-Huygens. July 2008, London. Invited.


11.  Bradley, T., Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W. Composition and Size Properties of Saturn’s Rings Determined from Ultraviolet Measurements Made by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph. Colloquium for the Book Saturn After Cassini-Huygens. July 2008, London.


12.  Salo, H., French, R. G., Nicholson, P. D., Hedman, M. M., Colwell, J. E., Schmidt, J. Modeling Self-Gravity Wakes in Saturn’s Rings: Slab Models vs. N-Body Wakes. Colloquium for the Book Saturn After Cassini-Huygens. July 2008, London.


13.  Colwell, J. E., Grund, C., Britt, D. T. Mechanical and Electrostatic Behavior of Lunar Dust. NASA Lunar Science Institute Conference. NASA Ames Research Center. July 2008.


14.  Colwell, J. E., Hughes, A. H., Grund, C. Dust Dynamics Near Planetary Surfaces. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 2008, Montreal. Invited.


15.  Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W., Jerousek, R. G., Lissauer, J. J. Vertical Structure of Saturn’s Rings from Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 2008, Montreal.


16.  Spitale, J., Porco, C. C., Colwell, J., Hahn, J. M. Kinematics of the Outer Edges of Saturn’s A and B Rings. 39th Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society, Apr. 38-May 1, 2008, Abstract 07-O-55-DDA37, Boulder CO.


17.  Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W., Cooney, J. H., Jerousek, R. G., Lissauer, J. J., Stewart, G. R., Sremcevic, M. Mass and Thickness of the Cassini Division in Saturn’s Rings. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, May 2008, Ft. Lauderdale FL.


18.  Bradley, E. T., Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W., Composition and Size Properties of Saturn’s Rings Determined from Ultraviolet Measurements Made by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, May 2008, Ft. Lauderdale FL.


19.  Colwell, J. E. and Esposito, L. W. Density and Bending Waves in Saturn’s Rings from Cassini UVIS Star Occultations. 39th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Oct. 2007, Abs. 26.06, Orlando.


20.  Meinke, B. K., Esposito, L. W., Colwell, J. E. Moonlets and Clumps in Saturn’s F Ring. 39th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Oct. 2007, Abs. 10.06, Orlando.


21.  Robbins, S. J., Stewart, G. R., Colwell, J. E., Lewis, M. C. Simulations of Clumping Effects in High-Optical Depth Rings. 39th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Oct. 2007, Abs. 7.05, Orlando.


22.  Stewart, G. R., Robbins, S. J., Colwell, J. E. Evidence for a Primordial Origin of Saturn’s Rings. 39th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Oct. 2007, Abs. 7.06, Orlando.


23.  Stewart, G. R., Lewis, M. C., Colwell, J. E. Vertical Splashing and Strong Damping of Spiral Density Waves in Planetary Rings. 38th Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society., May 2007, Abs. 12.02, Ann Arbor.


24.  Pryor, W. R.; West, R.; Stewart, I.; Esposito, L.; Jouchoux, A.; McClintock, W.; Colwell, J.; Larsen, K.; Holsclaw, G.; Shemansky, D.; Ajello, J.; Hansen, C.; Clarke, J.; Gustin, J.; Grodent, D.; Gerard, J., Auroral Movies and Spectroscopy from Cassini UVIS, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2007, Abs. P31A-0187, San Francisco.


25.  Wang, X., M. Horanyi, J. Colwell, Z. Sternovsky, and S. Robertson. Surface potentials near the UV light/dark boundary, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Albuquerque, 17-22 June 2007.


26.  Ajello, J. M.; Gustin, J.; Stevens, M.; Stewart, I.; Larsen, K.; Esposito, L.; Colwell, J.; McClintock, W.; Pryor, W.; Malone, C.; Holsclaw, G., Titan Airglow Spectra from Cassini UVIS, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2007, Abs. P21D-05, San Francisco.


27.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito 2007. Density and Bending Waves in Saturn’s Rings from Cassini UVIS Star Occultations. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, Abs. 39.2606C.


28.  Colwell, J. E., S. R. Robertson, M. Horányi, X. Wang, and P. Wheeler 2006. Charged Dust Dynamics Near the Lunar Surface. Earth and Space 2006, 24, 188.


29.  Colwell, J., L. Esposito, and M. Sremcevic. Fine-Scale Structure in Saturn’s Rings. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2006, Abs. P34A-04, San Francisco.


30.  Sternovsky, Z., S. Robertson, M. Horanyi, and J. Colwell. The Photoelectric Layer Near the Surface of Mars. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2006, Abs. P23A-0051, San Francisco.


31.  Robertson, S., X. Wang, J. Colwell, M. Horanyi, W. K. Peterson, and Z. Sternovsky. Measuring and Modeling the Plasma Environment at the Lunar Surface. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2006, Abs. SM43A-1474, San Francisco.


32.  Pryor, W. r., R. West, K. Larsen, I. Stewart, L. Esposito, J. Colwell, W. McClintock, A. Jouchoux, D. Shemansky, J. Ajello, C. Hansen, J. Clarke, J. Gustin, D. Grodent, J. Gerard, K. Baines, P. Drossart, and A. Simon-Miller. Saturn’s Auroras and Polar Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Dec. 2006, Abs. P41C-1305, San Francisco.


33.  Haugsjaa, A. L., and J. E. Colwell. Electrostatic Transport of Dust on Eros. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #38, Abs 59.15. Sep. 2006, Pasadena CA.


34.  Spitale, J., C. Porco, and J. Colwell. Shapes and Kinematics of Eccentric Features in Saturn’s Rings from Cassini Imaging and Occultation Observations. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #38, Abs 51.05. Sep. 2006, Pasadena CA.


35.  Edgington, S. G., A. A. Simon-Miller, R. Achterberg, G. Bjoraker, P. Romani, F. M. Flasar, and J. Colwell. Adaptation of a 2-D Photochemical Model to Improve Our Understanding of Saturn’s Atmosphere. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #38, Abs 11.23. Sep. 2006, Pasadena CA.


36.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, M. Sremcevic, W. E. McClintock, and G. R. Stewart. Self-Gravity Wakes in Saturn’s Rings from Stellar Occultations. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #38, Abs 38.02. Sep. 2006, Pasadena CA.


37.  Meinke, B., L. W. Esposito, and J. E. Colwell. Moonlets and Clumps in Saturn’s F Ring. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #38, Abs 47.02. Sep. 2006, Pasadena CA.


38.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, and G. R. Stewart. Density Waves Observed by Cassini Stellar Occultations as Probes of Saturn’s Rings. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abs. 1221. Mar. 2006, League City TX.


39.  Haugsjaa, A. L., and J. E. Colwell. Modeling Electrostatic Dust Transport on Eros. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abs. 1225. Mar. 2006, League City TX.


40.  Sternovsky, Z., M. Horany, J. E. Colwell, S. Robertson, and X. Wang. Near-Surface Dusty Environments of Planetary Objects. 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abs. 1460. Mar. 2006, League City TX.


41.  Esposito, L., and J. Colwell. Cassini Observations and Ring History. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Abs. 443. July 2006, Beijing, invited.


42.  Horanyi, M., J. Colwell, S. Robertson, Z. Sternovsky, and X. Wang. Dusty Plasma Effects on Surfaces in Space. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Abs. 1552. July 2006, Beijing, invited.


43.  Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson 2005. Behavior of Charged Dust in Plasma and Photoelectron Sheaths. Workshop on Dust in Planetary Systems, Kauai, Hawaii, Sep. 25-29, 2005.


44.  Esposito, L. W., and J. E. Colwell. Cassini Observations and Ring History. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abs. P33B-0243, December 2005, San Francisco.


45.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, and M. Sremcevic. Cassini UVIS Star Occultation Results for Saturn’s Rings. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abs. P31D-03, December 2005, San Francisco, invited.


46.  Pryor, W. R., K. Baines, R. West, J. Ajello, C. Hansen, I. Stewart, L. Esposito, J. Colwell, W. McClintock, A. Jouchoux, D. Shemansky, J. T. Hallett, F. Crary, W. Kurth, J. Clarke, J. Gustin, D. Grodent, J. Gerard, E. Bunce, and P. Drossart. Observations of Saturn’s Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abs. P23D-03, December 2005, San Francisco.


47.  Hansen, C. J., A. Hendrix, L. Esposito, J. Colwell, D. Shemansky, W. Pryor, I. Stewart, and R. West. Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Observations of Enceladus’ Plume. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abs. P21F-04, December 2005, San Francisco, invited.


48.  Wang, X., S. Robertson, Z. Sternovsky, M. Horanyi, J. Colwell. Investigating Near-Surface Dusty Environments of Planetary Objects. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abs. P31B-0148, December 2005, San Francisco.


49.  Colwell, J. E., S. Robertson, M. Horanyi 2005. Living and Working with Dust in the Moon’s Photoelectron Sheath. NASA Workshop on Granular Materials. Kennedy Space Center. Feb. 2-3, 2005.


50.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, K. Larsen, A. I. F. Stewart, W. E. McClintock, M. Sremcevic, D. E. Shemansky, J. T. Hallett, C. J. Hansen, A. R. Hendrix, R. A. West, J. A. Ajello, W. R. Pryor, and Y. L. Yung. UV Spectroscopy of the Saturn System. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #37, Abs 10.05. Sep. 2005, Cambridge UK, invited.


51.  Tollerud, H. J., J. E. Colwell, and L. W. Esposito. UV Reflectance of Saturn’s Rings from the Cassini UVIS. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #37, Abs 66.03. Sep. 2005, Cambridge UK.


52.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, and M. Sremcevic. Gravitational Wake Structure in Saturn’s Rings from Multiple Stellar Occultations. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #37, Abs 62.03. Sep. 2005, Cambridge UK.


53.  Sremcevic, M., L. W. Esposito, J. E. Colwell, Cassini UVIS Team. Size of Particles and Clumps in Saturnian Rings Inferred from Cassini UVIS Occultations. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #37, Abs 62.04. Sep. 2005, Cambridge UK.


54.  Burns, J. J., M. M. Hedman, M. S. Tiscareno, P. D. Nicholson, B. J. Streetman, J. E. Colwell, M. R. Showalter, C. D. Murray, J. N. Cuzzi, C. C. Porco, Cassini ISS Team. Morphology, Movements and Models of Ringlets in Saturn’s Encke Gap. AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #37, Abs 64.01. Sep. 2005, Cambridge UK.


55.  Pryor, W. R., R. A. West, I. A. Stewart, D. E. Shemansky, J. M. Ajello, L. W. Esposito, J. E. Colwell, W. E. McClintock, A. Jouchoux, C. J. Hansen, F. J. Crary, W. S. Kurth, J. T. Clarke, and K. A. Baines. Saturn’s Auroras from the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph. Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P21B-01. May 2005, New Orleans.


56.  Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell, C. J. Hansen, J. T. Hallett, A. R. Hendrix, K. Larsen, W. E. McClintock, W. R. Pryor, D. E. Shemansky, A. I. Stewart, and R. A. West. Cassini UVIS Results from Saturn, Titan, Icy Satelllites and Rings. Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P13A-02. May 2005, New Orleans.


57.  Esposito, L. W., C. J. Hansen, J. Colwell, A. R. Hendrix, W. E. McClintock, D. E. Shemansky, A. I. F. Stewart, J. Hallett, and R. A. West. The Saturn System as Observed by Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph. 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abs. 1586. Mar. 2005, League City TX.


58.  Colwell, J. E., and L. W. Esposito. Initial Cassini Ultraviolet Observations of Saturn’s Rings. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P52A-02, December 2004, San Francisco, invited.


59.  Colwell, J. E., and L. W. Esposito. Occultation of Xi Ceti by Saturn’s Rings. Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Louisville Kentucky, November 2004.


60.  Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, S. Sture, S. Batiste, and Z. Sternovsky. Lunar Surface Environment Laboratory. NASA Conference on Exploration Initiative at Glenn Research Center, June 2004.


61.  Horanyi, M., J. E. Colwell, and S. Robertson. Dusty Plasma Effects on the Surfaces of the Moon and Mars. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract SH54A-04, December 2004, San Francisco.


62.  Mitchell, C. J., J. E. Colwell, and M. Horanyi. Tenuous Ring of Captured Dust at Saturn. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P53A-1460, December 2004, San Francisco.


63.  Esposito, L., J. E. Colwell, and Cassini UVIS Team. Cassini UVIS Observations Show Active Saturn’s Rings. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P51C-02, December 2004, San Francisco, invited.


64.  Pryor, W. R., R. A. West, I. A. Stewart, D. E. Shemansky, J. M. Ajello, L. W. Esposito, J. E. Colwell, W. E. McClintock, A. Jouchoux, C. J. Hansen, and F. J. Crary. Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Initial Observations of Saturn. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P44A-01, December 2004, San Francisco.


65.  Mitchell, C. J., J. E. Colwell, and M. Horanyi. Tenuous Ring of Captured Dust at Saturn. 36th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 19.11, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. Vol. 36 p. 1111, Louisville KY, November 2004.


66.  Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell, J. T. Hallett, C. J. Hansen, A. R. Hendrix, H. U. Keller, A. Korth, K. Larsen, W. E. McClintock, W. R. Pryor, R. Reulke, D. E. Shemansky, A. I. F. Stewart, R. A. West, J. A. Ajello, and Y. L. Yung. Cassini UVIS Observations Show an Active Saturn System. 36th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 01.04, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. Vol. 36 p. 1066, Louisville KY, November 2004, invited.


67.  Hendrix, A. R., C. J. Hansen, L. W. Esposito, D. E. Shemansky, and J. E. Colwell. Ultraviolet Observations of Phoebe and Iapetus from Cassini. 36th Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 04.05, Louisville KY, November 2004.


68.  Worms, J.-C., Y. Takakura, J. Blum, J.-B. Renard, E. Hadamcik, A. C. Levasseur-Regourd, J. Colwell. Simulating Regolith with the ICAPS-IMPACT Facility: Optical and Mechanical Properties. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, p. 4277, Paris, July 2004.


69.  Hansen, C., A. Hendrix, L. Esposito, D. Shemansky, I. Stewart, J. Colwell, U. Keller, W. McClintock, R. West, A. Jouchoux. Ultraviolet Observations of Phoebe from Cassini. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, p. 2376, Paris, July 2004.


70.  A. A. S. Gulbis, J. Colwell, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson, "Dust transport above a surface with a sheath," 45th Annual meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Albuquerque, 27-31 October 2003. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, October, 2003.


71.  Mitchell, C. J., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi. Tenous Ring of Captured Dust at Saturn. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract SM31C-1128, San Francisco, 2003.


72.  Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell. Estimating the Effectiveness of Cosmic Recycling in the History of Planetary Rings and Ring Moons. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P51F-08, San Francisco, 2003.


73.  Colwell, J. E., and S. Sture. Experimental Studies of Low-Velocity Impacts into Regolith. 35th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., Vol. 35, 940, Monterey CA, 2003.


74.  Mitchell, C. J., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi. Magnetospheric Dust Capture at Saturn. 35th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 35 p. 951, Monterey CA, 2003.


75.  L. E. Crawford, C. M. Hrenya, and J. E. Colwell 2003.  Low Velocity Collisions into Regolith:  Simulation vs. Experiment.  Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, San Francisco, CA.


76.  Colwell, J. E.,  A. A. S. Gulbis, M. Horanyi and S. Robertson 2003. Transport of Dusty Regolith in Near-Surface Sheaths, Tenth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, U. S. Virgin Islands, 18-21 June 2003.


77.  Colwell, J. E., and S. Sture 2003. Experimental Studies of Low-Velocity Microgravity Impacts into Regolith. 34th Lunary and Planetary Science Conference, Mar. 17-21, Houston TX (Abs. 1904).


78.  Asphaug, E., J. Colwell, R. Dissly, K. Kanizay, V. Petr, and D. J. Scheeres. Meteoroid Bombardment and Blast Experiments on Asteroids. 34th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1537, League City TX, March 2003.


79.  Scheeres, D. J., E. I. Asphaug, J. Colwell, R. Dissly, P. E. Geissler, L. A. McFadden, V. Petr, R. Reinert, and H. Yano. Asteroid Surface Science with Pods. 34th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1444, League City TX, March 2003.


80.  Sickafoose, A. A.,  J. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson 2002. Dust grain charging and levitation in a weakly collisional DC sheath. 44th Annual meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Orlando, Nov. 11-15, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 47, 121.


81.  Colwell, J. E., S. Sture, A. Lemos. Microgravity Impact Experiments: The PRIME Campaign on the NASA KC-135. 6th Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, Aug. 14-16 2002, Cleveland OH.


82.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson. Dust Levitation and Transport Near Surfaces. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract P11A-0343, San Francisco CA, Dec. 2002.


83.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, A. R. Lemos, M. T. Mellon. Accretion and Erosion in Low-Velocity Microgravity Impact Experiments. 34th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 29.02, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 34, p. 891, Birmingham AL, 2002.


84.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Roberston. Dust Levitation and Transport in a Plasma Sheath near a Surface. 34th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 04.01, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 34, p. 839, Birmingham AL, 2002.


85.  Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, A. Sickafoose 2002. Dynamics of Charged Dust Near Surfaces in Space. 6th Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, Aug. 14-16, Cleveland OH.


86.  Colwell, J. E., L. W. Esposito, M. Horanyi 2002. Microgravity Impact Experiments: Results from COLLIDE-2. 6th Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, Aug. 14-16, Cleveland OH.


87.  Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, S. Robertson, A. Sickafoose 2002. Levitation and transport of charged dust over surfaces in space. Int. Conf. on Phys. Of Dusty Plasmas, May 20-24, Durban, South Africa.


88.  Colwell, J. E., and M. Mellon. Experimental Studies of Collisions in Planetary Rings and Protoplanetary Disks, 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston TX, Abs. #1757, Mar. 2002


89.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, and S. Robertson. Dust Levitation in a Plasma Sheath Near a Surface. 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston TX, Abs. #1743, Mar. 2002.


90.  Pryor, W. R., A. F. Stewart, L. W. Esposito, D. E. Shemansky, J. Ajello, R. A. West, A. J. Jouchoux, C. J. Hansen, W. E. McClintock, J. E. Colwell, B. Tsurutani, N. Krupp, F. Crary, D. Young, J. Clarke, J. H. Waite, D. Grodent, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, M. K. Dougherty. Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter’s Auroral Variability. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Abstract SM12A-0835, San Francisco CA, Dec. 2001.


91.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson. Dust Levitation Near Surfaces in Space. 33rd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 39.04, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33, P. 1112, New Orleans LA, 2001.


92.  Colwell, J. E., R. A. West, D. E. Shemansky, L. W. Esposito, W. E. McClintock. Cassini UVIS Observation of Occultation of Sigma Leo by Jupiter. 33rd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 09.07, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33, P. 1036, New Orleans LA, 2001.


93.  Pryor, W., A. I. F. Stewart, L. Esposito, A. Jouchoux, W. McClintock, J. Colwell, D. Shemansky, J. Ajello, R. A. West, C. Hansen, B. Tsurutani, N. Krupp, F. Crary, D. Young, J. H. Waite, D. Grodent, J. T. Clarke, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, M. K. Dougherty. Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter’s Auroral Variability. 33rd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 09.06, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33, P. 1036, New Orleans LA, 2001.


94.  Gordon, M., J. N. Cuzzi, J. Lissauer, F. Poulet, A. Brahic, S. Charnoz, C. Ferrari, J. Burns, P. Nicholson, R. Durisen, N. Rappaport, L. Spilker, P. Yanamandra-Fisher, A. Bosh, C. Olkin, S. Larson, A. Graps, H. Krueger, G. Black, M. Festou, R. Karjalainen, H. Salo, C. Murray, M. Showalter, L. Dones, H. Levison, F. Namouni, S. Araki, M. Lweis, S. Brooks, J. Colwell, L. Esposito, M. Horanyi, G. Stewart, A. Krivov, J. Schmidt, F. Spahn, D. Hamilton, S. Giuliatti-Winter, R. French. Decadal Survey: Planetary Rings Panel. 33rd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 14.20, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33, P. 1057, New Orleans LA, 2001.


95.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson. Dust Particle Charging Near Surfaces in Space. 32nd Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 1320, Houston TX, Mar. 2001.


96.  Colwell, J. E., M. Mellon, S. Sture. Experimental Studies of Low Velocity Impacts into Dust. 32nd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Abstract 65.22, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 32, p. 1643, Pasadena CA, 2000.


97.  Sickafoose, A. A., J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson. Photoelectric and Triboelectric Charging of Dust Grains on Planetary Surfaces. 32nd Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Abstract 47.02, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 32, p. 1084, Pasadena CA, 2000.


98.  Colwell, J. E., and S. Sture 2000.  Low Velocity Impact Experiments in Microgravity.  Fifth Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, Aug. 9-11 2000, Cleveland OH, pp. 185-186.


99.  Sickafoose, A., J. Colwell, M. Horanyi, S. Robertson, B. Walch. Photoelectric Charging of Dust Particles. In Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Y. Nakamura, T. Yokota, and P. K. Shukla, Eds.), pp. 367-372, 2000.


100.        Colwell, J. E., and M. Horányi 2000.  Capture of Interplanetary and Interstellar Dust by Planetary Magnetospheres.  National Radio Science Meeting, USNC/URSI, Jan. 4-8 2000, Boulder CO, p. 337.


101.        Colwell, J. E., M. H. Taylor, B. Arbetter, L. Lininger, and A. Sikorski.  Collisions Into Dust Experiment GAS Payload: Scientific and Technical Lessons Learned.  1999 Shuttle Small Payloads Symposium, NASA/CP-1999-209476, 119-127.


102.        Stewart, A. I. F., L. W. Esposito, C. A. Barth, J. E. Colwell, G. M. Lawrence, W. E. McClintock, W. R. Pryor, H. U. Keller, A. Korth, H. Lauche, M. C. Festou, A. L. Lane, C. J. Hansen, J. N. Maki, R. A. West, H. Jahn, R. Reulke, K. Warlich, D. E. Shemansky, Y. L. Yung. Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer Observations of the Venus Dayglow. 31st Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 64.05, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 31, p. 1174, Padova, Italy, 1999.


103.        Colwell, J. E., and M. Horanyi. Magnetospheric Capture of Interplanetary Dust at Jupiter and Saturn. 31st Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 40.04, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 31, p. 1135, Padova, Italy, 1999.


104.        Sickafoose, A. A., S. Robertson, J. E. Colwell, M. Horanyi. Photoelectric Charging of Dust in Space. 31st Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 61.07, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 31, p. 1170, Padova, Italy, 1999.


105.        Colwell, J. E., M. Horányi, A. Sickafoose, S. Robertson, R. Walch 1998.  Dynamics of Dust in Photoelectron Layers Near Surfaces in Space, Fourth Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, NASA, Aug. 12-14, 1998, pp. 96-97.


106.        Lawson, S. L., B. M. Jakosky, J. E. Colwell. Thermal Emission from the Lunar Surface: Impact Crater Temperature Modeling and Clementine Long-Wave Infrared Data. 29th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract 1823, Houston TX, Mar. 1998.


107.        Colwell, J. E., M. Horanyi, E. Grun. Captured Dust in Planetary Magnetospheres. Seventh Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Boulder CO, 1998.


108.        Colwell, J. E., M. Taylor, L. Lininger, B. Arbetter, A. Sikorski 1998.  COLLIDE: Microgravity Experiment on Collisions in Planetary Rings and Protoplanetary Disks, Fourth Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Phenomena Conference, NASA, Aug. 12-14, 1998, pp. 149-150.


109.        Esposito, L. W., J. E. Colwell, and R. M. Canup. History of Neptune’s Ring Arcs. 29th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 17.12, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 29, p. 1000, Cambridge MA, 1997.


110.        Sprague, A., J. Emery, J. Bigelow, L. Deutsch, J. Hora, B. Hoffmann, A. Dayal, F. Witteborn, D. Wooden, J. Colwell, R. Kozlowski, B. Ludwig. Application of a Rough-Surface Thermal Model to Observations of Mercury, 29th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 13.12, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 29, p. 988, Cambridge MA, 1997.


111.        Emery, J. P., J. E. Colwell, A. L. Sprague. Mercury – Thermal Modeling and Data Comparison. 28th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 335. Houston TX, Mar. 1997.


112.        Colwell, J. E. and M. C. Festou  1996.  Effects of Topography on Comet Light Curves. COSPAR Colloquium 10, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, July 8-12 1996, p. 12.


113.        Colwell, J. E., M. Taylor, L. Lininger, A. Sikorski, W. Hooper, R. M. Canup. Microgravity Experiment on Low-Velocity Impacts in Dust. 28th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 18.17,  Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 28, 1127, Tucson AZ, 1996.


114.        Colwell, J. E.  1994.  Size Distributions of Circumplanetary Dust.  COSPAR, Hamburg Germany, July 1994.


115.        Colwell, J. E. Sublimation Rates of Icy Dust Grains in Planetary Rings. 26th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 26, 1549, Bethesda MD, 1994.


116.        Colwell, J. E.  Power-law confusion: you say differential, I say incremental.  24th Meeting of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 325, Houston TX, Mar. 1993.


117.        Colwell, J. E. Impactor and Ejecta Distributions for Planetary Satellites. 25th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 28.10-P, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 25, 1110, Boulder CO 1993.


118.        Colwell, J. E., and L. W. Esposito. Interaction of Interplanetary Impactors with Planetary Rings and Satellites. IAU Symposium 160: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, p. 73, Belgirate Italy, June 1993.


119.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  Formation of Narrow Planetary Rings by Satellite Disruption. 23rd Meeting of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 237, Houston TX, Mar. 1992.


120.        Colwell,  J. E., and L. W. Esposito. Initial Conditions for Narrow Planetary Rings. 24th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 42.08, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 24, p. 1029, Munich Germany, 1992.


121.        Esposito, L. W., and J. E. Colwell. History of Neptune’s Rings. 24th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Abstract 42.04, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 24, p. 1028, Munich Germany, 1992.


122.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.   Statistics and Histories of Satellite Disruptions. 23rd Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.  23, p. 1170, Palo Alto CA, Nov. 1991.


123.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito. Modeling Planetary Ring Formation from Satellite Disruption. 22nd Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.  22, p. 1044, Charlottesville VA, Oct. 1990.


124.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  1990.  Dust in the Neptunian Rings: A Numerical Model and Comparison with Uranus's Dust Bands.  (XXVIII COSPAR, 1990, The Hague, The Netherlands).


125.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito.  Numerical Simulations of the Uranian Dust Rings. 21st Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.  21, p. 949, Providence RI, Oct. 1989.


126.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito. Transport of Dust Through the Uranian Ring-Moon System. 20th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.  20, p. 845, Austin TX, Oct. 1988.


127.        Colwell, J. E., B. M. Jakosky, and B. J. Sandor.  Sublimation Rates in Icy Craters, Trenches, and Crevasses on Comets. Proceedings of the 19th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pp. 203-204, Houston TX, Mar. 1988.


128.        Colwell, J. E. and B. M. Jakosky.  The Evolution of Topography on a Comet. Proceedings of the 18th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pp. 193-194, Houston TX, Mar. 1987.


129.        Colwell, J. E., and L. W. Esposito. Evolution of the Uranian Dust Rings as a Markov Chain. 19th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 19, p. 890, Pasadena CA, Nov. 1987.


130.        Colwell, J. E. and L. W. Esposito. Statistical Analysis of Voyager PPS Ring Occultations and Confidence Levels on New Rings and Arcs. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Eos 67, p. 1077, San Francisco, Dec. 1986.




Colwell, J. E. 2004. Focusing in on Saturn’s Rings. SETI Institute Explorer, Vol. 1, No. 2, 6-8.


Monthly “Space Scene” column for Daily Camera newspaper, Boulder Colorado (2002-2003).


Weekly movie reviews for the Louisville Times, Lafayette News, and Erie Review, Colorado Hometown Newspapers (1994-2001).


Colwell, J. E. 1998.  Much Ado About Next to Nothing.  (Second Prize), Griffith Observer, 62, 2-17.


Colwell, J. E.  1996.  Whatever Happened to the Tenth Planet?  (Third Prize), Griffith Observer,  60, 2-11.


Colwell, J. E.  1995.  Catastrophes in the Outer Solar System: The Forge of New Moons and Rings.  (Honorable Mention), Griffith Observer, 59, 2-11.


Simmons, K. E., J. E. Colwell, and K. D. Benell.  1993.  Galileo Geometry and Graphics Software Modified for Cassini Observations. NASA Information Systems Science Newsletter, April 1993, Issue 28, 16-18.


Colwell, J. E.  1993.  Scientific Visualization: Advancing Science with the Amiga. Amazing Computing for the Commodore Amiga 8, No. 5, 46-47.