Honors Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHYS 2048H
Fall Semester, 2009
MWF 2:30-3:20 pm, MAP 306

Instructor: Masahiro (Masa) Ishigami
Office Hours: MW 3:30-5pm Office: PSB 110
Email: ishigami@mail.ucf.edu
Webpage: http://physics.ucf.edu/~ishigami/teaching.html

Textbook: University Physics, Young and Freedman, 12th Edition

Webassign: All assignments will be given via web-assign at www.webassign.net. Access card must be purchased at the UCF bookstore and students should register as soon as possible (by Wednesday 8/26). User name is the last four digits of your id number, unless your last four digits start with 0. [if that is the case, use last five digits]. The initial password is “physics”.


Algebra, trigonometry, differential and integral calculus are essential to understanding the materials presented.

Course Structure:
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Recitation: Friday 10:30-11:10 am. (Part of a laboratory session) In this time period, students will form teams of four and tackle questions posed by me. This is an opportunity to get a direct feedback on your understanding of your course materials. Questions asked here will be challenging and will have high likelihood of appearing again in the midterm and final exams.
Laboratory: Concurrent registration is highly recommended.
Graded Assignments: Assigned Wednesday and due Tuesday. Note first assignment due 9/1. Problem sets will be given every week via webassign.
Quizzes: Monthly take-home quizzes will be given. Students may use any means available to solve the questions. Students may work together. Final solutions must be written up individually.
Midterm Exams: There will be three written “in-class” exams each 50 minutes in duration. No formula sheets are allowed.
Final Exam: 6-8 problems. No formula sheets are allowed.


Problem Sets: 15%
Quizzes: 10%
Midterm (three): 45%
Final: 30%

Grading Scale:

ABCDF: +/- grades will be given.


1. Grades on quizzes and midterm exams can be challenged up to two days. Final exam grades and final grades are not contestable.
2. Make-up tests are given only to students who have to be out of town on university-sponsored activities. Prior permission and proper documentation are required a week in advance. Exceptions can be made for medical and family emergencies at the discretion of the instructor.
3. Scientific calculators with trigonometric capabilities are allowed in quizzes and tests. However, calculators with preprogrammed physics information are not allowed. Violation of this rule will result in automatic failure in the course and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.
4. Picture ID is required in all tests, quizzes and final exams.

Important Dates:

8/24: Instruction begins
10/16: Last day to Drop Course
12/7: Last class
12/9: 1:00 pm to 3:50 pm Final Examination in MAP 306

Holidays: Labor Day (9/7 Monday), Veteran’s day (11/11 Wednesday), and Thanksgiving (11/26-28 Thursday and Friday)

Course Schedule:
9/23 (Wednesday) In-class exam [Ch.1-4]
10/28 (Wednesday) In-class exam 2 [Ch.5-8]
11/25 (Wednesday) In-class exam 3 [Ch.9-10]
12/10: 1:00 pm to 3:50 pm Final Examination [Comprehensive]