In many situations, turbulence and Rossby waves co-exist and form fascinating jigsaw puzzles. Possible flow regimes can be classified by several characteristic length scales and their ratios. A regime of zonostrophic turbulence appears to be pertinent to giant planets of the solar system where zonal jets are powerful and long lived. This flow regime is characterized by a strongly anisotropic spectrum with different slopes in the zonal and nonzonal directions. Recently, this spectrum was established for Jupiter using the data collected by the Cassini spaceship. A similar spectrum was detected in computer simulations of the deep North Pacific Ocean thus pointing to the universality of physical laws that govern the oceanic and planetary circulations.
We created a westward zonal jet in a laboratory facility. Being maintained by the electromagnetic force, the jet was unstable and generated westward propagating eddies. The spectrum of the flow field was similar to those found on Jupiter and in the ocean both in slopes and amplitudes. Using the experimental data, we have designed an algorithm that allows one to diagnose the large-scale turbulence characteristics based upon a limited amount of data. This algorithm offers a great promise for diagnosing macroturbulence in large-scale planetary systems.