PSJC #85 March 4 2011
Robert French (SETI)
Cupid is Doomed: The Instability of the Inner Uranian Satellites
Uranus is unique in the solar system in having a large number of low-mass
satellites close to the planet. We analyzed the orbital stability of
these satellites by direct numerical integration and found that the
Cupid-Belinda-Perdita subset of satellites is unstable on astronomically
short time scales, and that the Cressida-Desdemona-Juliet subset is
unstable on slightly longer time scales. Cupid is likely to have a
very short existence, eventually impacting Belinda within the next
~100,000 years. We also show that the system is chaotic, and that
the variations in Cupid's orbit can be partially attributed to its
interactions with the inner Lindblad resonances of Belinda. Finally,
we explore the applicability of a power-law relationship that correlates
mass assumptions with the time to first orbit crossing.