PSJC #64 Apr 5 2010
Hannah Jang-Condell (UMd)
Catching Planet Formation in the Act:
Connecting Protoplanetary Disk Theory to Observations
Over 300 exoplanets have been discovered to date, with orbital
parameters entirely unlike our our Solar System. The question of how
these planetary systems arise must be studied in the context of how
planets interact with the circumstellar disks from which they form.
In turn, planet formation theory must be studied in conjunction with
observations of circumstellar disks. Embryonic planets dynamically
interact with the primordial disks in which they form. Sufficiently
massive planets they can open annular gaps in the disk. However,
smaller planets can still perturb disks enough to to be potentially
observable. I will compare theoretical models of planet shadows in
disks to observations of real disks that may show evidence of embedded
planets. I will demonstrate that current instrumentation is already
able to detect planets at tens to hundreds of AU from their stars.