PSJC #57 February 5 2010
Phil Chamberlin (GSFC)
The Solar Dynamics Observatory, Studying the Sun and its Influence on
Other Bodies in the Solar System
The solar photon output, which was once thought to be constant, varies
over all time scales from seconds during solar flares to years due to
the solar cycle. These solar variations cause significant deviations
in the Earth and space environments on similar time scales, such as
affecting the atmospheric densities and composition of particular
atoms, molecules, and ions in the atmospheres of the Earth and other
planets. Presented and discussed will be examples of current data from
satellites that have preceded SDO such as TRACE, SOHO and TIMED that
show how we can trace the origins of solar activity from inside the Sun,
though its atmosphere, then all the way to the Sun's influence on
the Earth and other objects in the solar system. Also shown will be some
examples of the Sun's influence on other bodies in the solar system
such as Earth, Mars, and the Moon. The presentation will continuously
emphasize how the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the first satellite
in NASA's Living with a Star program, is going to improve upon these
current observations and provide further insights into the variable Sun
and its Heliospheric influence.