PSJC #21 Oct 6 2008
Kevin Stevenson
Secondary Eclipse Photometry of GJ 436b in Six Spitzer Channels
The nearby exoplanet GJ 436b is a hot Neptune with an equilibrium
temperature of approximately 700K, assuming uniform redistribution and
0.3 Bond albedo. This eccentric exoplanet is the only known transiting
hot Neptune and the only known transiting M dwarf companion. The Spitzer
Exoplanet Target of Opportunity program observes secondary eclipses,
where the planet passes behind the star, to provide direct measurements
of emitted planetary flux, thus constraining atmospheric models.
The observations took place in January and February of 2008 for the
3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 16 and 24-micron events, while GJ 436b was observed
at 8.0 microns in June of the previous year. Of the channels that
yielded eclipse detections, we will present estimates of infrared
brightness temperatures and discuss how they can provide insight into
atmospheric composition using current models. Spitzer is operated by
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under
a contract with NASA, which provided support for this work.
(link to DPS08 abstract)