A little page on Pablo Neruda

(Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto)

Remember way back when the WWW was young?
Pages like this one were actually useful because complete search engines didn't exist,
and yet the number of extant webpages about a given topic were not too numerous.
Nowadays, no-one would ever need a page like this. Alas.
As if anyone ever needed to see a picture of me and Neruda together.

1. A good page discussing a documentary and other things.
2. The glory of vegetables.
3. Neruda's Nobel lecture en español, and in English. The Nobel site has info about the 1971 event.
4. Another archive of Nobel info.
5. A few works that I found in random places.
6. A fellow in España, José María González-Serna, has quite a good page.
7. Ardiente Paciencia, by Antonio Skármeta, is summarized here.
8. ...and of course there is the movie version.

Created 4 Apr 1998. Updated 28 Mar 2006. Yan Fernández