This series of pictures was sent to me by Roger Smith of Hillsboro, Oregon on April 30, 2005. He got them from someone else. If you are the original photographer or know who that person may be, please contact me at The photos depict the development of several storms, including tornadoes, over the great plains. plainsstorm1.jpg Pre-tornado conditions. plainsstorm2.jpg Pre-tornado conditions, sun seen through dust/precipitation. plainsstorm3.jpg Tornado touches down. plainsstorm4.jpg Large tornado. plainsstorm5.jpg Sun behind cloud. Conditions dark enough to turn on street lights. Lightning evident in cloud. plainsstorm6.jpg Lightning in cloud at night, late after sunset. plainsstorm7.jpg Circulation pattern around thunderhead at sunset. plainsstorm8.jpg Pre-tornado conditions. plainsstorm9.jpg Pre-tornado conditions. plainsstorm10.jpg Pre-tornado conditions. plainsstorm11.jpg Large tornado. Possibly same storm as plainstorm4.jpg. plainsstorm12.jpg Pre-tornado conditions.