Nanophysics and Nanoelectronic Group PI: Saiful I. Khondaker University of Central Florida |
![]() The Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics group at UCF is lead by Prof. Saiful Khondaker. Khondaker has a joint appointment at Nanoscience Technology Center, Department of Physics and School of electrical and computer engineering. The group is interested in using low dimensional nano-structured materials (such as 2D TMDC, graphene, carbon nanotubes, organic molecules) for nanoelectronic and optoelectronic device applications. The primary focus is in the fabrication of devices using state of the art nanoscale patterning and lithgraphy techniques, understanding the fundamental charge transport properties at different temperature regimes and exploiting those properties for novel applications. Contact Info: Dr. Saiful I. Khondaker, Associate Professor, Nanoscience Technology Center, University of Central Florida, 12424 Research Parkway Suite 400, Orlando, FL 32826. Tel: 407-864-5054, Fax: 407-882-2819, Email: saiful[at]ucf[dot]edu News:
August 2014: Narae's paper on " Photoluminescence quenching in Single-layer MoS2 via Oxygen Plasma Treatment is accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. C. Congratulations Narae!
August 2014: Muhammad's paper on "Electrical property tuning via defect engineering of single layer MoS2 by oxygen plasma. is published in Nanoscale.Congratulations Muhammad!
July 2014: Udai's paper on "Photoluminescence quenching in gold - MoS2 hybrid nanoflakes " is published in Scientific Report. Congratulations Udai!.
July 2014: Muhammad's review paper on " Recent progress in parallel fabrication of individual single walled carbon nanotube devices using dielectrophoresis " is published in Materials Express. This was a invited review article. Congratulations Muhammad!
June 2014: Biddut's paper on "Lower Activation Energy in Organic Field Effect Transistors with Carbon Nanotube Contact" is published in Solid State Electronics. Biddut left the group in January 2012 after finishing his Ph.D. He is currently a post-doctoral scholar at Purdue University.
June 2014: Daeha's paper on Two to one dimensional crossover in graphene quantum dot arrays observed in reduced graphene oxide nanoribbons. is published in Phys. Rev. B. Daeha left the group in January 2013 after finishing his Ph.D. and a short post-doctoral stay in Khondaker group. He is currently a post-doctoral scholar at the University of Minnesota.
June 2014: Biddut and Narae's paper on High Performance Semiconducting Enriched Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors Using Metallic Carbon Nanotube Electrode. is published in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
March 2013: Professor Khondaker delivered an invited talk at International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT) 2014 at Chandigarh, India. Khondaker also visited National Physical Laboratory at New Delhi.
January 2014: Daeha left the group to start a post-doctoral position at the University of Minnesota. Daeha spent five years in Khondaker gorup, four years as a Ph.D. student and one year as a post-doc. Good luck Daeha! We will miss you!!
December 2013: Daeha's paper on "Structural evolution of reduced graphene oxide with varying carbon sp2 fractions investigated via Coulomb blockade transport" is published in J. Phys. Chem. C. Congratulations Daeha! December 2012: Daeha's paper on "Efros-Shklovskii variable range hopping in reduced graphene oxide sheets of varying carbon sp2 fraction" is published in Physics Review B. December 2012: Narae's paper on "The Effect of Carbon Nanotube/Organic Semiconductor Interfacial Area on the Performance of Organic Transistors" is published in Applied Physics Letters. November 2012: Daeha successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations! Daeha published 10 peer reviewed papers during his Ph.D. November 2012: Biddut successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations! Biddut published 9 peer reviewed papers during his Ph.D. November 2012: Narae successfully defended her M.S. thesis. Congratulations! November 2012: Udai successfully defended his M.S. thesis. Congratulations!
May 2012: Dr. Khondaker gave an invited talk on “Charge Injection Mechanism
at Carbon Nanotube-Organic Semiconductor Interface” at 221st ECS Meeting -
Seattle, Washington.
April 2012: Edwards successfully
defended his “honors in major” undergraduate Thesis. Congratulations! April 2012: Biddut received best poster award in the category of Engineering, Computer Science, Optics, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation at Graduate Research Forum 2012. Congratulations!
April 2012: Daeha received best
poster award in the category of Engineering, Computer Science, Optics,
Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation at Graduate Research
Forum 2012. Congratulations!
March 2012: Fears received
honorable mention in Energy-Related Materials category at Florida Chapter of
American Vacuum Society. Congratulations! December 2011: Daeha' s paper on “Anchoring Ceria Nanoparticles on Reduced Graphene Oxide and Their Electronic Transport Properties” is published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
November 2011: Biddut presented
his work at MRS Fall meeting, Boston. August 2011: Biddut's paper on “Semiconducting Enriched Carbon Nanotube Aligned Arrays of Tunable Density and Their Electrical Transport Properties” is published in ACS Nano. August 2011: Mohammad passed his proposal defense, congratulations! July 2011: Khondaker gave an invited talk on “Parallel fabrication and electron transport investigations of carbon nanotubes and graphene based devices” at the Department of Physics, Lehigh University. June 2011: Mohammad passed his qualifier exam, congratulations!
June 2011: Shashank’s paper on
“Correlated electrical breakdown in arrays of high density aligned carbon
nanotubes” is published in Applied Physics Letters. April 2011: Kristy successfully defended her “honors in major” undergraduate thesis. She is accepted in the graduate program of University of Texas at Austin. Congratulations! April 2011: Feras passed his proposal defense, congratulations!
April 2011: Biddut's paper on
“Fabrication of Organic Field Effect Transistor by Directly Grown Poly(3
Hexylthiophene) Crystalline Nanowires on Carbon Nanotube Aligned Array
Electrode” is published in ACS Applied Material and Interfaces. March 2011: Mohammad received Honorable mention in material characterization category at Florida Chapter of American Vacuum Society. Congratulations! March 2011: Mohammad's paper on “Schottky diode via dielectrophoretic assembly of reduced graphene oxide sheets between dissimilar metal contacts” is published as an invited artcle in the focused issue of “chemically modified graphene” in New Journal of Physics March 2011: Daeha's paper on “Coulomb blockade and hopping conduction in graphene quantum dots array” is published in Physical Review B. March 2011: Shashank's paper on “Electrical transport properties of peptide nanotubes coated with gold nanoparticles via peptide-induced biomineralization” is published in Nanotechnoly.
March 2011: Biddut's paper on
“Fabrication of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Array Electrodes for Organic
Electronics Devices” is published in the inaugural issue of Materials
Express. November 2010: Paul's paper on “Directed assembly of solution processed single-walled carbon nanotubes via dielectrophoresis: From aligned array to individual nanotube devices” is published in Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. September 2010: Mohammad received 2nd best poster award in the Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics category at NanoFlorida.
August 2010: Edwards Jimenez
joined our group. He is an undergraduate student in Electrical Engineering.
Welcome! August 2010: Tanusri's paper on “High performance organic phototransistor based on regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)” is published in Nanotechnology.
July 2010: Daeha passed his
proposal defense, congratulations! May 2010: Arif's paper on Poly (3-hexylthiophene) crystalline nanoribbon network for organic field effect transistors is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters May 2010: Farnood Rezaie joined our group. He is a graduate student in physics. Welcome Farnood! April 2010: Paul successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. He is taking a job at Triquint Semiconductor. Congratulations to Dr. Stokes! April 2010: Paul's paper on Evaluating defects in solution processed carbon nanotube devices via low temperature transport spectroscopy is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. April 2010: Surajit's paper on Position dependent photodetector from large area reduced graphene oxide thin films is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters. April 2010: Dr. Khondaker has been promoted to Asscociate Professor with tenure. March 2010: Eight group members presented their works in APS March meeting, Portland, Oregon. March 2010: Daeha's paper on High yield fabrication of chemically reduced graphene oxide field effect transistors by dielectrophoresis is accepted for publications in Nanotechnology. March 2010: Dr. Khondaker received UCF Research Incentive Award. February 2010: Justin Brooks, the high school student in our group, received first prize in Seminole county science fair in physics/astronomy category. January 2010: Paul's paper on High quality solution processed carbon nanotube transistors assembled by AC dielectrophoresis is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters January 2010: Feras Alzubi joined our group. He is a graduate student in physics. Welcome back! November 2009: Biddut's paper on Near-infrared photoresponse in single walled carbon nanotube/polymer composite films is accepted for publication in Carbon October 2009: Dr. Khondaker was given a joint appointment in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida. October 2009: Daeha's paper on Electronic transport properties of ternary Cd(1-x)Zn(x)S nanowire network is accepted for publication in Nanotechnology. September 2009: Muhammad Rakibul Islam joined our group. He is a graduate student in physics. Welcome! September 2009: Biddut's paper on Diffusion mediated photoconduction in multi-walled carbon nanotube film is accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics September 2009: Daeha received best poster award in NanoFlorida 2009 in Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics category. Congratulations to Daeha! September 2009: Biddut received 2nd best poster award in NanoFlorida 2009 in Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics category. Congratulations to Biddut! May 2009: Dr. Tanusri Pal joined our group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome! May 2009: Dr. Surajit Ghosh joined our group as a post-doctoral fellow. He is a recipient of Indian government BOYSCAST fellowship. Welcome! April 2009: Kristy Kormondy joined our group as a REU student. She is a sophomore in physics March 2009: Biddut received Honorable mention in American Vacuum Society, Florida Chapter meeting in materials characterization category February 2009: Paul's paper on Solution processed large area field effect transistors from dielectrophoreticly aligned arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters January 2009: Paul's paper on Photoresponse in large area multi-walled carbon nanotube/ polymer nanocomposite films is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters January 2009: Daeha Joung joined our group. He is a graduate student in physics. Welcome! November 2008: Shashank Shekhar joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome! August 2008: Biddut Sarker joined our group. He is a graduate student in physics. Welcome! July 2008: Mohammad Arif joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome! July 2008: Paul's paper on carbon nanotube single electron transistor is published in Applied Physics Letter. To read the paper click here May 2008: Several achievements of our group is highlighted in the first edition of Nano News letter. Read here April 2008: Our proposal on a novel organic photovoltaic device is funded by National Science Foundation.
2008: Paul Stokes is selected as one of the participants from USA to attend
Meetings of Nobel Laureates in Linadu, Germany (
). He will be listening to Nobel prize winners lectures, have dinners with
them etc for seven days. This is going to be very exciting for Paul.
Congrats Paul April 2008: Paul received best poster award at 2008 UCF research week for his poster entitled, "Local-Gated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Assembled by AC Dielectrophoresis" Congrats Paul.
March 2008: Paul's paper on local gated DEP assembled FET is accepted and published in Nanotechnology. Congratulation to Paul. March 2008: Our group made five presentations in APS March meeting in New Orleans. For details please click here February 2008: Rachel (high school student) placed second in Seminole county science fair for her work on carbon nanotube IR sensor. She is also accepted in UF for her college. Congrats Rachel. January 2008: Eliot Silbar joined our group as a REU student. He is a freshman student in physics. January 2008: Dr. Khondaker received prestigious NSF CAREER award (read UCF press release here) September 2007: Liwei got Associate Professor position at Suzhou Nano Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. congrats Liwei!!! August 2007: Paul passed his qualifier exam, congratulations! September 2006: Dr. Liwei Liu joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow. He received Ph.D. in physics from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Welcome Liwei!!! April 2006: We got a closed cycle helium refrigerator from Dr. Lee Chow. Special thanks to Dr. Chow! March 2006: We got a glove box from Dr. Brian Tonner. Special thanks to Dr. Tonner! February 2006: We received our 1.5 K cryostat from Desert Cryogenics. January 2006: Paul Stokes joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Paul received his B.S in Physics from the West Virginia University. Welcome Paul! July 2005: Dr. Khondaker joined UCF nanoscience technology center as an assistant professor.
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